Vintage Carolina Lily Quilt Pattern
I'm trying to locate an old quilt pattern. It is a circa 1930's Carolina Lily. I am unable to find the pattern I need, although I did locate a picture of the pattern I want, it is on the website, if this helps any.
Can you help me? Thanks for your time.
I know this isn't a machine quilting question, but I didn't know where else to ask. I hope you can help me, it is very important to me and my 90 year old mother.
* * * UPDATED * * *
1-13-13 to add templates for a 12" finished blockI hope I can help with this.
My mom and I worked together, both on this website and on designing quilt/quilting patterns before she died unexpectedly two years ago. We had a lot of fun doing it and I've got the memories to prove it. I miss her terribly. So it brings a smile to my face that you and your mom love quilting, too, and I'd love to be able to help.
So in that spirit I got to work on your request.
I checked out the website you mentioned and came up with a rendition of the vintage Carolina Lily quilt using my Electric Quilt (version 7) software.
The Carolina Lily quilt block...
I drew a 13" finished Carolina Lily quilt block pattern for this quilt.

Carolina Lily quilt block This results in a quilt was 79-1/2" x 100". The one on the website you were looking at measures 78"x97".
Not quite the same, but pretty close.
The stems are a bit different than on the original quilt. The stems to the side flowers are curved instead of straight. They are appliqued onto a piece of background fabric (Template J on the quilt block template download).
As you'll see later, I've supplied templates for this block. Few of the measurements for the pieces in this block are the standard 1/4" and 1/8" that you'll find on your rotary rulers.
The Carolina Lily quilt design...
The blocks are laid out in a 4 by 5 block diagonal or on-point set.

Carolina Lily Quilt Pattern
Approximately 79-1/2" x 100"Notice that I've added a spacer strip of background fabric (cut 2-3/4" wide, finishes 2-1/4" wide) at the top of the quilt so that the baskets are centered both vertically and horizontally between the pink and green borders. That is different from the quilt you were looking at.
The pink outer border is cut 1-1/2" wide (finishes 1" wide). The green border is cut 2-1/2" wide (finishes 2" wide).
Fabric Yardage Estimates
The Electric Quilt program I use calculated fabric yardage estimates of:
- 7-3/8 yards background fabric (white)
- 2-1/2 yards baskets, border, leaves and stems (green)
- 1-3/8 yards flower petals, border (pink)
These estimates assume that your fabric has 40" of usable width. It also assumes that the long strips are
pieced (the background fabric spacer strip, and the pink and green borders). This estimate does not include binding or backing fabric yardage.
If you decide to go ahead with this quilt, let me know using the 'Comment' link below and I'll go through and double check the math for the yardage needed...just to be safe.Templates for a 13" finished quilt block
I chose to use templates for this quilt block pattern. Many of the shapes are not in the standard increments of 1/4" and 1/8" that you'll find on your rotary ruler. By using templates, you'll be able to cut the proper sized shapes with confidence instead fudging for 1/16" measurements.
Downloading the templatesI've included on the first page of the download how many of each template are needed to complete a single block and the color used.
The solid lines are stitching lines. The faint dotted lines are your cutting lines. Personally, I find it easier to just place the 1/4" line on my rotary ruler on the solid stitching line (because it's so much easier to see, and cut the shapes.
To download the templates for the block
click on this Carolina Lily quilt block pattern templates link.
You'll need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to open and print these pages. You can get Adobe Reader
here (a new window will open so you can download it without leaving this page).
If you want to open the file in your browser window, just click on the link. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save File As." Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive.
Once you have saved the file, locate where you saved it, and double click to open.
In order to print, open the downloaded file, and select the "Print" option.
Before you print the temples, in your 'Print Setup Menu', you must set 'Page Scaling' to 'None' to ensure the templates print at the proper size.
UPDATE:I've received several requests for a 12" finished version of this block. Click below for those templates:
12" finished Carolina Lily quilt block templates
If the this looks good to you, please let me know using the 'comment' link below. If you would prefer a different block size ('m a little superstitious and I probably wouldn't use a 13" block, but that's me...) let me know the finished block size and I can post the templates for you.
I hope this is what you were looking for. Good luck to you and your mother.
Julie Baird