Copyright Policy for
Generations Quilt Patterns

This post contains affiliate links, for which I receive compensation.

Updated: 1-2-2025

The Generations Quilt Patterns Copyright Policy is here to protect the information on this website and includes both words and images.

  • You may print any of the information from this website for your own personal use
  • If you find the information of value, please direct your friends to the website so they can print off their own copies. This helps both of us. Visitors to the site help us determine where to add information. We can't do this without your input.
  • The information and images on this site are not to be copied to the Internet or other digital or computer device, either in a blog or other website or any other digital format without the express written permission from Generations Quilt Patterns. This is considered infringement and will be treated as such
  • The information and images on this site are not to be copied into a book, cheat sheet or lead magnet, printed or digital format without the express written permission from Generations Quilt Patterns.

UPDATE January 12, 2017: I receive many requests each week from Guilds and quilting teachers to use/reprint the information from this website.

So much so, that it consumes up to a day a week responding to the requests. Along with all the other emails, response time has increased to an unacceptable level.

In order to streamline the permission process, I've added the following additional guidelines to this page.

Guilds, quilt teachers, bloggers, swap leaders and other quilting organizations

All the free patterns, templates and other information published here are to attract quilters to the site so they can find all the other free goodies for themselves.

And I have a lot for them. If printed out, the free patterns, templates, charts and tip sheets would fill a 3" ring binder!

If I allow the copying of articles to another's website or online copy of a newsletter and the articles are reprinted in their entirety there is no compelling reason for the reader to come to my site. They have already consumed the entire article.

Furthermore, Google penalizes sites for duplicate content.

While your Guild's website may not depend on free search engine traffic, my online business does. And what affects my online business affects my ability to continue to pay to keep it up and running.

So, in order to reduce on the number of emails to answer and streamline the process thus cutting down on your wait time, I grant the following permissions.

Guilds and other quilting groups

 (including Block Swaps, online or in-person)

If your Guild's newsletter is published online, for the online version I grant permission for you to use one image and some, part or all of the introduction (usually the first 1-3 paragraphs from the article, found between the large blue title at the top of the page and advertisement or first heading in the content) with an active link to the full article.

If your newsletter is published as a paper copy, I grant permission for you to reprint the entire article as long as there is a link to my website or to the actual page or attributes 'Julie Baird, Generations Quilt Patterns, LLC' as the author of the article.

The reason for the difference for the printed version is twofold:

  • There is no duplicate content issue, and... 
  • Quilters that receive hard copies are doing so most likely because they do not have (reliable) access to a computer. In that case a link would be of no value to them. 

And finally, if you would like to use additional articles from my site for your Guild's newsletter, as long as you adhere to the permissions granted above, you are welcome to use one article per month without the need to contact me each time.


First, if you are teaching at a quilt shop, I strongly urge you to make sure the store owner is aware and approves of your using materials downloaded from the Internet as opposed to products sold through their store.

If you would like to use any of the free patterns and templates available on the site, you may print them for distribution to your class with the following restrictions:

  • You cannot represent them as your own work. The website URL must be included on any handouts from the site.
  • You cannot sell the information and downloads. However, I do recognize that there are costs associated with printing copies for your students (i.e. printing, travel, paper, toner, etc.). You can and should be reimbursed for those costs.
  • You cannot publish the full articles and patterns on your own website or other Internet pages. I do grant permission (just as for Guilds) for you to use one image and the introduction (usually the first 1-3 paragraphs from the article, found between the large blue title at the top of the page and advertisement or first heading in the content) with an active link to the full article.

Bloggers and individuals

If you are using the instructions to construct blocks or quilts from those blocks (to give away, raffle or sell) you have my blessing. If you can make money quilting, seriously, more power to you.

I receive several requests every week from readers who want to use the information for a website or blog or other Internet page.

In those cases you cannot publish the full articles and patterns on those pages. That is the same as copying my work and presenting it as your own.

The information and images on this site are not to be copied into a book, cheat sheet or lead magnet, printed or digital format without the express written permission from Generations Quilt Patterns.

I do grant permission (just as for Guilds) for you to use one image and the introduction (usually the first 1-3 paragraphs from the article, found between the large blue title at the top of the page and advertisement or first heading in the content) with an active link to the full article back on my site.

Generations Quilt Patterns reserves the right to change these permissions as necessary.

Sharing is caring!

If you've shared stuff from this website and subsequently put it to good use by making something, please share what you've created.

Sharing is caring. Please use the hashtag,  #GenerationsQuiltPatterns

When you share your creations on social media, please add the hashtag,


That way I get to enjoy what you've created and can cheer on your efforts.

Seeing that what you've found here is valuable to you inspires me to do more, to work harder.

We're all in this together. 

If I've missed something...

If your Copyright Permission request is not covered above, please use this form to contact me with your request.

Again, if you are in compliance with the terms above, there is no need to contact me. Promise!

Please encourage your peeps to share what they've made using the hashtag #GenerationsQuiltPatterns. I love to see how quilters have interpreted what I've shared. We all learn from each other.

Thank you!

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Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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