Self Healing Rotary Cutting Mat
by Cindy Zechter
How can I heal my OLFA Mat?
I understand there is a way by soaking it in a bathtub.
What is the solution you need to add to the water?
I went to the expert, Charlie Haney of OLFA Deals, for this answer.
For soaking, he recommends putting the mat(s) into a bathtub or large container (would have to be large so it can lay flat) and soaking the mat for 15-20 in a solution of 1/4 cup white vinegar to every gallon of cool water.
Charley was
VERY specific about it being cool water. He said the mats love the moisture and that it'd be a good idea to do this every so often to help extend their useful life.
Then use a squirt of mild dishwashing soap (Ivory) and clean the mat with a mushroom brush (again, soft is the key word here). The purpose of this gentle scouring is to remove the fibers that get trapped in the cuts marks preventing the cuts from "healing".
Keep 'em clean, keep 'em moist, keep 'em flat and NO heat. That is what he recommends.
For more tips on self healing rotary cutting mats see our
OLFA Cutting Mat page.
I hope this information helps.
Julie Baird